Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Welcome to The Reset Button's news post!

Hey! This is where news and updates about The Reset Button will appear. I'm gonna take a second to explain the strip as well as the comments and news boxes we've got--

First of all, know that this IS a gaming comic. I'm not opposed to making fun of other things in other forms of media, but as a whole, it's a gaming comic. It just views things on a much broader scale. Secondly, the plot is pretty basic. Reset the Monkey, his family, and friends living life in a video game world...there are no gamers here, just actual characters. Therefore, it's not supposed to be grounded in reality :)

The way this box works, is that everytime something new happens with TRB, or there's an update, you'll hear about it here....well, rather read about it. The box to the right, is a shoutbox. You can chat with me, or with whoever you want on the right. Just fill out your info below the chat posts.

Anyways, any questions, or comments about TRB, feel free to use the box to the right, and check out this box for news and updates.

Until next time,
George Gant
creator of The Reset Button