Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Simione's Undressing!

Okay, truth be told, today's comic stemmed from a true life situation. I went into a Game Crazy a few weeks ago and spent all of my $7 on a used copy of Ninja Gaiden for Xbox. Sure it was only 7 bucks, but I wanted to finish it before Ninja Gaiden II came out. Well, when I got home, I played for about 10 minutes before I got the "Dirty Disc" message. I took it back, they cleaned it and removed the scratches and it did the same thing. I ended up waiting for them to get in another copy before switching out, and with the newer copy, I actually made it to Chapter 3 before getting the SAME MESSAGE again.

I think I'm having bad luck with my games now, as Halo 3 won't work either. On the plus side, I finally fixed my PSP, which has had a cracked screen for about a year now. It was hell dealing with the dude who sold it to me on eBay, but the screen works very well and I'm lovin' it (sorry for the Mickey D's reference)

Anyway, enjoy today's TRB and the innuendo!
